:: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 ::
Wow! Just spent the entire day running errands! 2 1/2 hours for car repair...(I finally have air conditioning again!)...shopping for clothes for my son, and other assorted nonsense, lunch at Subway...(hey, that Chipotle sandwich is pretty good!)...food shopping, picked out the DVD of Star Trek Nemesis to watch tonight (2nd time for moi, first for my son) and the Salvation Army...got some good clothes and books for Aaron...is this one fantastically long run-on sentence or what?
Had a crazy weekend with 3 long gigs, and with one round of golf at Bucksport squeezed in I didn't even have time to get more than 7 hours sleep until Monday night! Only have 6 gigs this weekend!!! At least I have AIR CONDITIONING...yay..
:: David 7/02/2003 04:39:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, June 30, 2003 ::
Checking...checking...is this thing on? New Blogger, wanted to see that it works allright.
I would post more, but I've been "gone" since last Thursday....gigs galore...sho me da money!
:: David 6/30/2003 03:14:00 PM [+] ::