:: Monday, July 21, 2003 ::
Secret Diaries of Cassandre Claire
:: David 7/21/2003 04:25:00 PM [+] ::
Oh oh!
 Threat rating: Low. You are annoying, but too much of a softy tree hugger to pose any threat to the mighty machine of Republican progress. And the FBI know where you live.
What threat to the Bush administration are you? brought to you by Quizilla
:: David 7/21/2003 04:16:00 PM [+] ::
Bizarre British Open! Basically unknown golfer Ben Curtis, fresh off the Hooters Tour, never a top 10 finish wins the Open!
Guess it can happen to anyone!
Wow, if I want to play at St. Andrews, it's only $168 for greens fees! Only $145 to Royal St. George's!
Saw a cool, yet disturbing movie last night, "28 Days Later." Zombies! Reminded me of a Stephen King novel, although I see it was written by someone else. Check it out if you're not too spleeny!
:: David 7/21/2003 04:01:00 PM [+] ::