:: Thursday, May 19, 2005 ::
Star Wars III
Well, I totally spaced that Star Wars was opening last night, especially since Jason asked me to get in line with him around 8:30 on this Thursday night! But when I got back from rehearsal at 10:30 last night and saw a 'reasonable' line at the theatre, I decided to get in line. Around 11:00 I got my "reserve" number, so I asked someone to watch my spot and ran to Rollie's to grab a quick fish sandwich to go with fries....mmmm and I was starved.
Well, I got in, and I have to disagree with Patrick somewhat about the outcome of the movie. Call me a sucker for the special effects, but I was entranced by the opening dog fight in the ships scene. I also really liked the fight with Count Greivas. And the transformation of Sidius. I agree that Jimmy Smits is a bad actor...but then I thought he was in everything else he's been in. Samuel L. is just okay in this movie, but not bad. Now Annakin IS BAD. But he always was...he obviously hasn't learned anything in the past few years.
As for the plot, yah, there's not a lot there, but wasn't the story written already? Like 40 years ago now? And how much could be added, when we had to conjoin Episodes II and IV? These movies have always been heroic fantastical romps of camp and mayhem...I didn't see much different here. I mean all of the movie have been similar in that respect. How about Episode VI. The ewoks and their little party at the end. Talk about smarmy...
One major problem I felt with Episode III was that after 2 hours it felt like the director looked at his watch and said, "oh shit, we have to end this film in 20 minutes!" so it felt like a big rush job finishing Darth's transformation, and the splitting up of the 2 Skywalker babies to finish the story without getting too long.
And what about the next 18 years as Luke grows up and Obi Wan learns from Yoda from Qui Gon Jin? Does that mean they're gonna squeeze 3 more movies in between Episode III and IV?
I agree the Wookie scene seemed a little weird with "Tarzan" meets the way overly-mechanized droid army. You know the droid army would've won that battle...
But ewoks and Jar-Jar weren't in the way in this movie at all.
I think it was thoroughly enjoyable, and better than I and II, and helped to "fill the gaps" but definitely not monumental.
Just my 2 cents!
:: David 5/19/2005 05:13:00 PM [+] ::