:: Thursday, May 29, 2003 ::
Sorry biz-oys...been down with a nasty cold since Tuesday night...sign of the season's change, I guess. Haven't had a cold in a while, which is good, though.
At least I've seen a bunch of movies in the past month...some better than others...saw Wild at Heart last night. That's a great one that I've seen a few times...pretty intense! Not for the faint of heart! Looking forward to a silly one tonight I still haven't seen...Groundhog Day.
And am gonna get my favorite dinner...tired of cooking for myself...Alexia's Greek Special pizza: tomato slices, feta cheese, spinach, calamata olives, and lots of garlic! What could be better? How 'bout a few Pilsner Urquell's to wash it down! Then some Nyquil, and I'll be all set!!
:: David 5/29/2003 06:41:00 PM [+] ::